Thursday, December 6, 2007

Their eyes were watching God: Event Response 2

Chapter 10-12

In chapter 10, we see Janie becoming more and more independent. She becomes independent about herself and the way she thinks about things. She begins wearing her hair down, she rins the store by herself, she talks to people that she wants to talk to. There is no Joe Starks there telling Janie what and what not she should be doing. From 11-12 Janie begins to atually flurt with Tea Cake and Tea Cake does it right back. Tea Cake begins walking her home, having sex with her, and taking her to picnics. Although everyone in the town is dissapointed that Janie is going out with a poor person and that she is doing herself wrong and dead Joe wrong, she does not care what anyone else thinks. She finally shows that she is a independent ladie that does whatever she wants whenever she wants.

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